Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year's Resolutions...I Mean Goals

Since January is well under way, I should post my New Year's Goals (I hate the term seems so final).

So here they are (in no particular order):

Spend 30 minutes everyday doing something in the house. I love to come home and drop off my school bag, take off my shoes, throw the mail on the table, etc. The problem is that this stuff just stays there (imagine that, no magic fairy comes in to clean-up every night). Then on Sunday, I usually spend 2-3 hours trying to get my house in order. If I were to do a little bit everyday, I would have more time to spend doing more pleasurable activities.

*Write and return emails and phone calls. Not only do I not return emails and phone calls, but I also screen my calls. If you haven't heard from me in a while, just will soon!

*Blog 2-3 times per week. I love the blog and am an avid reader of several. However, I can't find the time to update my own. I have lots of ideas in my head and really want to get them down on paper...or computer, whatever :-)

*Read 30 minutes per day. I love to read, but since taking this job, my free time is limited. I hope to get back to doing something that I truly enjoy.

*Hello, my name is Casey and I am a hoarder. Yes, it's true...I have become my mother and grandmother. I love to collect things (office supplies, Bath and Body products, scrapbooking materials...the list goes on). This year I vow to NOT buy anything that I don't need or already have on hand at the house. I am throwing money away on these frivolous items. If you see me buying these items, it is your duty to slap my hand and say, "NO!"

*Work on my addiction to fountain Coca-Cola. I love this beverage, but I don't love the empty calories.

*Buy fresh flowers once a month. I love fresh flowers, but never buy them for myself (and I can't wait around for a man to buy me some). This is how I plan to treat myself (and yes, I am worth it).

*Go paperless...billing that is. It's time to save paper and time and effort.

*Last year, I vowed to go green and that is one goal that I kept! This year, I hope to conserve water. I am not quite sure how I will accomplish this, but I am looking into some options.

*Speak to people I know. I see people all of the time (especially from HS) and avoid talking to them...why, I don't know. This year if I know you, I will be speaking to you (even if it's just a simple hello).

*Connect with old friends. I have several friends that I have lost contact with. I hope to reestablish these old connections.

*Perform good deeds and random acts of kindness often. I am going to actively look for opportunities to help others. Meg and I are also going to "adopt" one non-profit each month in Wichita Falls and make a donation to them.

*Send handwritten cards or notes to family and friends. I hate that people don't write anything anymore...I used to LOVE to get a letter or card in the mail. I hope to bring this tradition back.

*Write my will. I know that I will not live forever and think it's time to start planning for the future (since I won't have a husband or kids to take care of this matter). I pretty much know how I want things to be done; I just need to get it down on paper. I also have definite ideas about my funeral...which I will blog about soon!

*Continue to support local business and restaurants. While Meg and I didn't eat at every restaurant in WF this year, we ate at quite a few. I really do hope to one day say that I have eaten at every restaurant in town.

*Keep up with the yard work and my scrapbooks.

*Stop cussing...this is a hard one for me, but I am really going to work on this this year.

*I don't know if this is a unobtainable goal, but I would love to go off the grid one day each month. No phone, no electricity, etc. I think this will be VERY hard to accomplish, but I love a challenge.

Each year I come up with a slogan for the year. Here are past slogans:

2006--More Sex in '06 (which started out as, stop saying the f-word and start doing the f-word) the way, this one really didn't work out for me

2007--Celibacy in '07...which didn't work out for me either (wink, wink)

2008--Open the Gate in '08 or Find a Mate in '08...not one of my better slogan years

2009--Live Undefined in '09...kind of cheesy, but I really want to strive to live a life with less rules and restrictions

1 comment:

  1. where the hell did 09's come from?! that one NEVER came in the creative writing process. it is cheesy.
    i'm sticking with:
    "Don't Take It In The Heiny in Oh-Niney"
